How To Avoid Catching An Illness Or Virus On A Plane

Published on 01/07/2020

Traveling by air is a good option when you are trying to save time as well as cost. You are not faced with the troubles of boarding a bus and having to tug your luggage behind you, and it is usually much faster than other modes of travel. However, have you ever wondered how safe it is to travel by air without contracting any form of virus or becoming sick? Many people who travel by air have noted that soon after their trip, they get sick. A lot of travelers admit they didn’t do anything out of the ordinary. However, that is precisely the point… The norm is the problem. Whether you want to believe it or not, an aircraft is not cleaned before every flight, and thousands of people go on and off the aircraft every day, each of them bringing their own germs, and our immune systems can often be weaker while we are traveling…

How To Slink From Catching An Illness Or Virus On A Plane

How To Slink From Catching An Illness Or Virus On A Plane


Tips to Avoid Contracting a Virus or Becoming Sick

Not everyone focuses on good hygiene practices, and as a result, they leave everyone at risk of picking up their bacteria. Simple things like using the bathroom without washing your hands or touching a doorknob is an avenue for catching or spreading something. But you can be wise and protect yourself from this. Following these tips will help:

  • Be mindful of where you sit
    Yes, seats are assigned, and you have to go where you are placed. However, that does not stop you from making sure your seat is sanitized or cleansed. Traveling with a pack of alcohol-infused wipes can help you clean the seating area before use. It is not a matter of scorn, but viruses can be spread through clothing.
  • Stay Hydrated
    This gesture is vital whether you have a short or long trip. You do not want your body to lose much-needed energy by not having enough fluid to sustain you. Also, remember that the high-altitude of flights is dehydrating to our bodies, so try and remember to drink even more fluids. Although water is the best option, a fruit juice or flavored water will work as well.
  • Don’t Touch Your Face
    This one is pretty tempting, and even when you are conscious, it will happen without you even realizing it. Airborne bacteria are moving around, and when you touch a frequently used surface or shake hands with someone who is unwell, this is a haven for disaster. Touching your face can transfer the virus or illness by mixing with your saliva or making its way into your nasal passages or eyes. If you must touch your face, ensure you have sanitizers on your person at all times.
  • Keep the Air Vent On
    The air vent helps in creating a barrier around you and keep “foreign particulars” away from you. It also helps in protecting you from the humidity usually experienced during flights and reduces the chances of dehydration.
  • Take Your Vitamins
    Get your body prepared to fight off any possible infectious illnesses while traveling by air. Taking your vitamins will help to build your immune system as well as rid your body of any harmful bacteria.
  • Wear a Mask
    This method is one of the surest ways of reducing the risk of being affected by any airborne viruses and bacteria. Your breathing will be filtered, thus protecting any harmful matters from entering your system.
  • Stay Clear of Bathroom Towels
    It is easier to flash dry your hands than wiping them in the towels in airline bathrooms. These towels are a nest for bacteria.